Preggie Ms. Pencil
There are 3 Male and 1 Female pencils in a box.
The Female pencil got pregnant
Which Male pencil is responsible?
CeeTeeBLOG, the place to get the worlds best PJs (Poor Jokes) - Mail me some that you know of that you have not read it here on da blog.
There are 3 Male and 1 Female pencils in a box.
God accidently killed 3 men in a car accident. "HE" decided to let the men pay Him Rs 10 lacs and bring them back to life.
CeeTee saw a beautiful girl. He went ahead and kissed her
A teacher was teaching population control to a group of kids
A crow crapped on a Surd. The Surd's wife handed him a tissue. The Surd, all mad, said "The crow's gone, how do you expect me to wipe his ass ?"